Sunday, August 24, 2008


How is your weekend?

The Game is over, the dream should continue, just not sure how the world will be.

It is really a unique year, dream is dream, seriously enough, reality is reality, please YES on Proposition 8 on CA Nov. Ballot.

Back from 天使城,I lost my voice due to my two angels (don’t worry, my heart is still with me), though only four days, we have enough good stories to memorize. We 上Getty Center 山, 下了Santa Monica Beach 海, Disney童话世界里游荡了两天, 过桥园香香辣辣痛快了两遭。还没耽误了欣赏世界那头的精彩镜头。

这周末也很惬意。On Saturday, The Men’s Team went to the tournament again, 在我的力劝下闲暇人等同意上车,Sunnyvale阳光谷中Scarborough fair我们又光了一趟,尝遍了每个摊位的香甜桃李,买了一大抱。坐在泰国餐馆门前的阳伞下,清风拂面,看满兜新鲜蔬果满怀鲜花的人们笑容满面地走过,难道真要把异乡住成故乡不成了吗?点了美美的菠萝饭和泰式炒粉,和小妹妹一起美美地吃,公婆两位大人终于同意还是比在家闷头学英文要美丽有趣的多,还用说吗?临走还偶然进店中欣赏到美轮美奂的水上芭蕾。


Open your heart, you get loVe; Turn down your heart, you will be lonely. That’s what I told my math class students, the moment I mention this, they all nod nod, assuming they all understand. And hope they all get it in their heart. (math class? Not only fun math, we also talk about poems and something about LOVE, that’ s another story. If you are interested, we can talk later) 
多年以后,祝愿他们也能在纷繁的无奈世中找到阳光谷地, 拥有一分好心情。

The coming long weekend, are you going to the Sand Sculpture Beach with us?

1 comment:

Chino Blanco said...

According to Frank Schubert, 'Yes on 8' campaign manager, the mobilization of LDS (Mormon) volunteers could save his campaign up to $26 million in costs related to micro-targeting persuadable voters.

Micro-Targeting Mormons

So much for campaign finance rules.